Spotting the signs of subsidence
It’s important that both landlords and tenants are aware of the warning signs of subsidence
Subsidence is when the foundations of a property begin to sink into the ground below the building, which can make the foundations unstable.
The frequency of subsidence claims has fluctuated over the last five years, but like those for storm damage, they’re on the rise due to climate change. At Total Landlord, subsidence claims have one of the highest average payouts of all claims, at almost £7,000 per claim.
The highest claim for subsidence over the last five years was in 2022, when the landlord noticed that the front bay window was separating from the main building due to movement from tree roots. This resulted in a claim for £52,731. The sooner subsidence is treated, the better, so it's important that both landlords and tenants are aware of the warning signs.
Before investing in a buy to let property, check the surveyor’s report for signs of subsidence
Be particularly vigilant if the property is built on clay soil
Clear gutters and down pipes and make sure drainage systems are well maintained, to prevent water leaking into the soil beneath the property
Avoid planting any trees or shrubs close to the property
Remove any trees that are too close to the property
Investigate any cracks in the walls
During inspections, look out for any cracks, particularly following hot weather – most subsidence claims come in during the autumn months
For more guidance on how to protect your rental property from subsidence, read our guide, ‘Subsidence: what is it, how do you spot it and what should you do if you have it?’